Sunday, March 29, 2020

20F-3 (March 25) What's Recovery For?

I've edited this post to correct the title. It really is about 20F-3.

Monday passed in a blur. I haven't done back-to-back sculptures in many years. Post-Sculptural Syndrome is cumulative, and eventually one pays. On Tuesday I was still paying and drifted through the day.

I woke up early Wednesday. I could walk and think. The cart was mostly loaded. In the predawn gloom I headed for the beach.

Timothy had added a new person to the Band of Happy Shovelers: Hamish. Young and strong, he went to work with a will. They were well along by the time I got there, and left before I finished. They'd moved a lot of sand. I moved less.

I've had this idea for a sculpture with curving ridges for a while now. It has proven to be elusive. This one was the best start on it, although it soon diverged.

The overall idea now is that I want sculptures that look like one piece, flowing. That also is proving elusive. Fortunately, practicing is enjoyable, out there under the morning sun.

I debated making more space, but wasn't confident enough in the sand to carve. I liked the contrast of the very complicated aspects with the simpler western side. There are so many ways to do this. One just has to choose a way and go. I can't make every idea in one sculpture. I planned on coming back Friday. Maybe this one would still be standing, so I'd have a multiple.

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