Saturday, March 28, 2020

20F-2 (March 22) Magnetic Movement

I told Timothy I'd probably not be back on Sunday.

He wrote that he woke up Sunday morning and found he could walk, although "...we'd left it all on the beach yesterday."

I discovered the same thing. Slowly. But I could walk. So, I did.

Timothy and Mark had been at work for hours, and were close to being done by the time I arrived. I set up and got to work. Before he left, Timothy shot a round of video for his Instagram at goblikitepe.

No fancy base work this time. I was pretty much out of it, so did the basic basal clean-up and called it finished.

It takes some experience with new sand to find out what can be done with it.I was a little more familiar on this day, so pushed harder... and it didn't fall over. I haven't done any monolithic sculptures in coarse sand since 1995, and my skills have improved since then. In 1995 this wouldn't have been possible.

I was exhausted on all levels. Sand sculpture takes everything, mental, physical and emotional. I was pleased with our efforts and how the people on the beach encouraged us. A good day.

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